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Monday, November 24, 2014

DON'T JUDGE.....including yourself.

I had a dream last night that will not leave my mind! In this dream, I was very plain (something I am not) I had no jewelry and no makeup and no amenities of this life. Something I am definitely NOT! (Although I love going to third world countries, but I still like clean water to drink and to bath in.) No running water in this dream, no nice bed and people who were trying to dictate my lifestyle and reluctant to adopt any conveniences of this modern life, which we in the USA are so familiar with and can’t live without. (and if you say you can, you are kidding yourself! WE are spoiled.)
This dream got me to thinking about how much emphasis I might put on my appearance or how much I adorn certain areas of my existence in order to cover flaws. But, I am ok with covering flaws, because that comes with being a cosmetologist for 30 years! I’ve always been a creative thinker who adorns EVERYTHING.   I’ve been judged by my appearance and have received  “hate letters” anonymously, in my mailbox for appearing ‘rich’ (if people only knew how I ‘really’ shopped.) and they criticized me for seeming too focused on my ‘style’.
So this dream was a bit OFF and it was so widely diverse from whom I am that I began to ask God if He was trying to tell me something that I needed to know.
Do I focus too much on my appearance?
Do I ignore the people who need help and do not have the amenities of life like I do?
Are you pleased with me, God?
Why did I dream this dream?
I can tell you, GOD is not criticizing me, nearly as much as I can criticize myself. He created my mind and He created my nature. It’s me who has to align all of the junk that comes from the outside world and into my sub-conscience mind, because I am certain of His love for me, I see it clearly in HIS Word.
WE are way to hard on ourselves and we are way to critical of other people. We hear it all the time about judgment, but we still judge. I too, judge, but try DAILY to see people the way God sees them. I can tell ya, God does not see us the way we judge ourselves or the way we judge others. He sees His creation as complete. A finished work, marvelously and wonderfully made! (Psalms 139:14) He waits patiently for us to see ourselves the way He does. 
I remember at 5 years old, carrying around an open umbrella, not because it was raining, but because I loved the ‘fashion’ I found in Umbrellas. No body had to tell me to have a fashion conscience I just did, early in my life. Should I judge that? Yes, as long as it isn’t my total focus? For my friends who know me, they know me. For those who judge doesn’t mean they are necessarily my enemy, they are just less informed as to what creative minds are doing and thinking and quite possibly they have not stopped criticizing their own nature so it’s easy to do it to someone else.
How quickly do we judge what God has created?
When I saw myself in this dream as playing the part of an Amish type woman literally scared me. It caused me to wake up! I felt trapped and I felt I was not true to my character. In my dream I argued with the ‘community’ of people who tried placing their judgment on me for being flamboyant.  I based my argument of the very nature and emotion and FACTS of my loving and giving and gracious God!
Have you ever seen a Peacock or a Toucan or a white dove or a giraffe or a zebra or even an elephant? How about an octopus or a garden of red roses or a field of daisy’s or a mountain with white caps or an abundance of Canadian geese? Have you ever noticed the drama in the eyes of God? I have. I have seen the beauty in thousands of women in beautiful Sari’s walking barefoot on green, flowing grass of Nepali and India mountains and hills. I have looked out the window of an airplane and felt I could literally touch the tips of every mountain while flying into Katmandu.
I have walked through endless splendor of Colorado Aspen trees in the fall that literally took my breath away. I have seen and tasted and experienced the EXTRAVAGANCE of Gods masterpieces. I know the creativeness of the God who created me, and YOU. I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU for however plain you might be, because it’s beautiful in the eyes of the creator. Just don’t judge the charisma of the Ostrich or the Swan. We are all diverse and we are all something FABULOUS in the eyes of God.
I have touched a june-bug and I have witnessed the smell of skunks. I know the God who created all of it. Plain or beautifully complex.  
Have you ever read the book of revelation where John describes Heaven? It says that the beauty will be beyond our imagination! John said that the entire city would be transparent gold. He says the walls of the new city are precious jewels. The gates are twelve single pearls. The city itself and the streets are pure gold, yet like transparent glass. Revelation 21:18-21.

 I woke up scared to death in my dream that I was something other than myself. I won’t diminish my traits while I am completely awake now, just as I will not diminish those who live in a simpler way of thinking. I just want to be here to serve and give, only I will do it fully, ME. FULLY dressed, MAKEUP AND JEWELRY not to impress or to show off; it’s just me. I will not live in fear for who I am. If God adorns the earth and heaven, I am pretty sure HE ADORNS ME WITH HIS LOVE.
Just thought I’d share…….live true, live loving others and be who God has created you to be.

There is NO FEAR in the perfect love of God. (1John 4:18)

God and I will live to testify of your great love. Always.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My HEART bleeds.

My home state legalized Gay marriage. My heart truly bleeds for Oklahoma.

It’s like we are afraid to speak up in fear that we will look prejudice or that we are haters. But, it’s quite the contrary with me. In fact, if I do silence the TRUTH about the views of this ‘World’ that we live in, then I am doing and injustice not only to the human race in which God created, but I will also do an injustice to the GOD I say I love. He called me to love and to “Teach Truth as I was Taught,” not just because my daddy and pastors in and throughout my life taught me but because I began to see the Word of Truth by my own Spirit within me.
I am going to speak up because I love and I fear for the lives of those I care about (the many lives) as we approach “The End Times” (as the Bible says—). If the book of Hebrews says to, “‘spur’ one another on toward love and good deeds, and not give up meeting together as some are in habit of doing, but encourage one another all the more as we see the day approaching.” Then I feel that the ‘rights’ that this WORLD and all it’s “Legal” freedom speak out about, dictates that I no longer have a voice because I believe in the rights of the Biblical written Word of God.
I cannot be silent just as gays and homosexuals are no longer silent about how they feel and how they want to live and feel they have a right to stand for something they believe in. (ever noticed that there is a segregation, when we call them Gays and Homosexual’s? God and His love did not do that. Choices made, did that. I know I too once felt separated from my loving friends and Christian believers when I chose to be loose with my body and less with my FAITH in God.) I love ALL MY FRIENDS that profess to be gay in fact I have a niece that lives a gay lifestyle though I have never ‘heard’ her say to me she was gay. (But a tree that bears leaves that appear to be a fruit tree essentially will bring forth fruit.) (But even the thought of that can scare me for her, because Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing fruit in the wrong ‘season’ and it goes on to say; “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but MY WORD will NEVER PASS AWAY.” In the end of all of this, and there will be an end, HIS WORD will stand taller than our fight for what we want to be right.
So here I am, it may not really be a SECRET since I post all the time about my love for God, but I also love passionately the stance I have with “Legal” TRUTHS of Gods standards. After all, the only reason there is a fight for “rights” is so that a standard can be set for a certain side. However with me, this in my ‘training’ to speak with love, but speak also with Truth.

Standards, Gods way, has been jeopardized by mans thinking and actions. What I know about choices, mine included, if a mind is not renewed and washed by the Word of God then it’s trumping the plan of God and forcing Gods standard to be omitted. Are we setting ourselves a trap? I know the Bible pretty well, I’m not a scholar, but according to Genesis, God allowed Abraham in to the city of Sodom and Gomorrah to observe the wickedness in those cities. I am leaning in toward the urgent request to ‘bargain’ with God for the sake of my friends!! GOD PLEASE SPARE US FROM OUR ‘RIGHTS’ WE ARE ALL FIGHTING FOR, FORGIVE US, BECAUSE WE HAVE TAKEN OUR EYES OFF OF YOU AND OFF OF YOUR PLAN, BUT INSTEAD WE ARE WANTING OUR OWN PLAN TO BE FULFILLED. GOD FORGIVE US!
What will happen if we continue to ‘fight for OUR rights’ which contrary to the Word of God? We will eventually reap a harvest in our lives. (I say, “WE” because even in my silence I too become guilty, if I do not declare what God created me to declare.) Sometimes that harvest is destruction.  
If there were no laws, which humans have constantly broken then there would be no need to fight for freedom, which essentially places us in bondage. BUT, God set a standard into motion when he set the laws into place because people were guided by their own sexual, immoral and fleshly desires, nearly always in and throughout this flawed world, we have broken the laws of God and yet, HE has GRACED us numerous times. (Thank God there is a Savior, His name is Jesus.)  From the beginning of time, Gods people, in Exodus 13 & through chapters 22), when they took their eyes off of God, they built their fate. When we fight for what is desired rather than desiring for what is SOUND DOCTRINE, then we will eventually set ourselves up for FAILURE.
I am not suggesting that you should not LOVE someone from the same sex in fact I have many female friends, whom I love. I have many male friends, whom I love. I am just asking you to delve a little deeper and stop looking for politics or Hollywood or even the agony of what drives someone to run to a distorted ‘truth’ to go back, quickly go back to the Word of God and remember that even God will EXALT his Word above EVERYTHING. Psalms 138:2

If He finds the significance in WHAT HIS WORDS say…..I am going to take it pretty literally that He must mean it.

I love you, I truly do…..but even as you, my gay friends are not silent about fighting for rights, I will stand behind you and fight for YOU, whom God created for a greater purpose than ‘rights.’

Friday, August 29, 2014

"The Secret is out"

This is an Ad I am doing to try and help the, POOR, HOMELESS and female PRISONER'S. 
I saw the need first when I went to Tegucigalpa women's prisons. Most recently I was asked by the organization called "Burgers Bibles and Blessings" who help feed and minister to the homeless. This is a group from my church at Central Christian. 
Because this monthly cycle is with most women for many years starting with adolescence, it is therefore a common problem, yet one of the best kept SECRETS until a lady NEEDS ONE! 
I have personally felt the desperation, but my chances of getting a tampon or any other feminine product are feasible and assessable for me, but not so much for some. 
I am taking it upon myself to address this issue and help those who are 'at war' with desiring to keep this a SECRET within their personal lives, by reaching out to them, to give.
If you would like to help......email me or private message me on Facebook @ Holly Vernon Miller or go to Holly Miller Ministries.com
Thanks and GOD BLESS YOU

Thursday, August 28, 2014

People are watching

My second blog of the day.......famine or feast, I guess. 

I like to read the Message Bible when I simply want to 'read' not necessarily study. In doing this, I find meanings which are really authentic and relevant to my own life when I read this way....particularly in the MESSAGE version. 
Today I was in the book of Colossians and I saw the importance to write to you and encourage you.
Here goes......Paul is telling the people in the book of Colossians how important others are to him because they are willing to serve and encourage. The humorous part to me is he is encouraging 'free' people while he is held captive. He mentions 3 names in chapter 4 and what I notice is how he 'describes his friends.' 
He says, "My good friend Tychicus will tell you all about me." I  thought, as I was reading, I wonder what he desires for them to know by writing to them about how he is doing. But, people really do want to know if someone is still living for Jesus, though they are in another part of the world. 
Then he writes about Tychicus and explains how he is a trusted minister and companion in the service of the Master...Then goes on to explain how "he will encourage you in the faith." Then he talks about Onesimus, (one of my favorite stories) and how he says, "He is one of you" (I thought that was very typical because it sounds so much like what I want to write, to encourage my 'friend'.) And then he says, "Aristarchus, who is in jail here with me, sends greetings....and he names 2 more, Justus and Mark......he goes on to explain that he and Mark and Justus are the only ones left from the old crowd. 

Now, can I tell you my interpretation of what I feel God and Paul are doing here and telling me? OK! 

We get separated. We have lives that pull us away and into the chaos and we have jobs that bog us down but I can tell you from this side of ministry, there are times I want to throw in the towel many times, but I WON'T and I don't want to. However, we all get weary? Yes, I get weary but the GREATER part of me which is my Spirit, is always soaring for me and through me. My songs of praise make me fly like and eagle and then I am able to see so much more than my present, gunk!
As with you, my friend, much like Paul's letter, I send to you a letter to encourage you in your faith and I also invite you to stay renewed in the Word of God. 
I too could send a personal greeting and write a report about certain ones who I know will receive my words, so I will just close with this and say, "I pray that God is moving boldly in your lives and more than anything you are not losing hope as you see the day of His return. I also pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you with renewed strength as you journey to the next place that God has for you. I pray you find a place to give of yourself and encourage someone in their time of need, so that Christ will be magnified in all that you do. 
I know we live in a hostile world and it seems that many horrible and tragic things are happening all around us, but remember this, He has over come this WORLD. And much like Paul writes, I forward his words I found in Romans, which are to "never ignore God and please do not refuse to worship him and become silly and confused and pretend that you have it all figured out, trading him in for something you can buy at a roadside stand."
I encourage you my friends. Walk in Wisdom and seek to find all that keeps you built up so that your life will be as a standard for others to follow, to find Jesus.

Last month in my home Bible Study, we wrote notes to each other to encourage each other and then we shared them with the person with whom we drew their name......this should never stop when someone is placed on our heart, please send a text or an email or snail mail and let them know they are loved.

Become a Champion of your life and allow the one who increases your faith to become your Pulpit. People are watching.

Acceptance that never ends

A new momma loves this little boy! 

 This little guy is reaching up and it's not merely an act of FAITH whether or not someone will pick him up, because I personally know someone will. But for many wounded in this World it's a daily question whether or not someone, most profoundly, whether or not God, will pick them up.
It starts very young....it's natural to be cuddled and protected and LOVED.

                                               Diverse conditions......same kind of love.

So many wounded hearts in this World, but one I see most prevalent in America is the need for acceptance and desire to be loved. Little babies expect it and should always get it, but some don't. This one pictured does because he is my nephew(top pic) and I know how much he is loved.

However it is not the case with many people, so they search until they 'think' they have found it.

WE, yes, myself included have fallen in and out of love and in and out of love......thinking that THIS IS THE ONE....only to find that you are abandoned and begging again for that same attention and desire to be fulfilled as when you found this one that just walked away. 
This need will never be filled by human antics or human words or a multiplicity of sex partners. Though I believe in love from another person, as I am married, but when you search for it in love from others over and over again, it's just off kilter.  That kind of love, if you want to call it love is not what sustains us. When we live our lives basing every minute of happiness in the thought of someone loving us, then we have stopped loving ourselves. 

The way I see it, when Jesus talks about Love, he says, "love me, love them, love YOU." 

If you don't love him and only love them, then you don't love you.
It has to be all three in constant obedience that causes it to work,  ESPECIALLY loving GOD FIRST. 

I already wrote about that topic, but I what experienced this past weekend was a very bad situation that didn't really surprise me really, as I have lived long enough and reached out enough to see the bad. But, it really does always amaze me how people lose their self worth and depend on and rely on others to fully love and accept them, in order to reach the he/she "completes me" mentality. No-body can do that for another human 24/7 and if that is the Worship of another, then it's not healthy! It's made for the Movie Screen. Never mind the fact that it's not the way according to Gods Word, that he designed it to be.

I love my husband, but I can tell you if I do not know who I am in the Lord Jesus Christ, with Charlie or without Charlie, then I will never truly know who I am. And I would fail horribly at what I am aiming to do in this ministry if I totally and completely relied on my husband for my every waking move. 
My desire is to instill Truth from the Word of God that builds a CHAMPION on the inside of a SOUL. So, whenever that 'soul' gets hit, because it will, they will be able to take the fiery darts and not fall to the point of no return and end up much like I witnessed this weekend at a house of chaos, shambles, filth and debris and a broken and crushed heart turning every which way to find peace. 

We can't be dependent on someone else to 'complete us' but rather rely on the CHAMPION, who is Jesus to be ingrained in our heart, our mind and our spirit.
Read the Word, be encouraged by positive Christians, stay tuned up by listening to worship music, search for a testimony that will build you up rather than gossip that will bring you down! In other words, you are in charge of "KEEPING HOUSE"........keep it safe from harm.

I close with some words from a dear friend of mine, Paul. In the book of Acts he stands up and takes a deep breath and says, "Fellow Wichitians, (Israelites) and friends of God, listen. God took special interest in our ancestors, pulled our people who were beaten down  and in exile to their FEET, and led them out of there in GRAND STYLE. He took good care of them for nearly forty years in the godforsaken wilderness and then, having wiped out seven enemies  who stood in the way, gave them land of their very own! (a span of about 450 years!) "


Thursday, August 21, 2014


Whether it's food intake, exercise or reading the Bible, it takes an act of obedience to do any of these three things.
Obedience I say? Yes, Obedience to God and to yourself. I live my life desiring to be every thing that God has called me to be. Is that really a true statement? I ask myself that, even though I know it's something I strongly desire more than anything in my life. I know for a fact that 'being called' is not something we decide, but rather something that is burned within us by passion and desire, given to us, not bartered with by God. Besides, I don't want to live a life of mediocracy.
So, here's what happens to me, and this is how I get MOVING AND START LIVING BETTER.

I had a pretty strict upbringing which means I heard the rules from either my mother or daddy when it came to doing something around the house or with school and for the church. Therefore, today, I still hear the voice of those who guided me when I was young. Now that I am older, and having to be a VOICE to people around me I still hear the voice of my dad when it comes to making choices. See, I was raised with the Word of God as a resource, like a map for guiding my life and when my daddy left the earth, I no longer had his direction, but I am still fortunate to have my mother's words of encouragement and better yet, guidance when I just can't assume position. Ultimately, they instilled the Word of God by taking me to church and living a life standard that defined 'right living' in my opinion! Sure, there are good people making good choice, but the God that is all around us has a greater purpose for us rather than a good one.

It's the Word of God that now guides me. But what about when I just don't feel like doing what it says? Well, the only one that suffers is me! I cannot tell you how many times I have struggled with this very issue. I live a day without remembering I need structure and wake up the next day feeling every single pain of knowing I failed. That's where Gods mercy awakens me and I get back on track. See, I am a procrastinator by nature....but when you pressure me to do something, I can move like a roadrunner! With me, sometimes it takes pressure to get the ball rolling but when it comes to discipline I cannot wait to discipline if I gotta preach somewhere tomorrow. I have to daily place the Word in me, much like I need daily exercise. Do I succeed at this daily, NO.....But, I am learning or I would not be blogging about it.
When it comes to food, I have to make hour by hour choice. Why? Because I love food. I love chocolate and I love chips. But, the choices I make cannot be made the day before I am to get into the beautifully shaped fitting dress, because I will not be putting it on, if I ate whatever I wanted. No, discipline is an act of obedience. Obedience means to OBEY! Obedience means to OBEY. Obedience means to OBEY!!

Well, you have read this far and I have yet to mention any thing about "Where" in the Word is a the greatest guide. Let me share something with you that began to make total sense to me when I heard the words that Jesus told us. Here are seven words.(which I shortened from the original text so you can remember that 7 is perfection!) These seven words are connected to HIS greatest commandment and here they are, "Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself."

  • Can we love a God we cannot see, every single day? Not without accepting that there is one.
  • Can you love your neighbor that you can see every day? No, because Flesh is never perfect.
  • Can you Love you? This is among the greatest COMMANDMENT which Jesus said is the most important for guiding our lives and living our lives and loving him. If we don't love ourselves then we cannot love God and we cannot love our neighbor. Loving yourself is the most difficult position which God has asked humans to do. Sure, there are narcissistic people who love themselves abundantly, but they are failing with the other two commands.  
  • See, if you love God, you will begin to love simply because you know HE is living on the inside of you. That's acceptance of HIM and that's the first sign of growth in any area of your life. We all need God. We need Jesus as Savior. If you do not love you, then you are slapping God in the face and you are of no use to your neighbor, muchness able to love them or do anything for GOD. It takes obedience to do any of these things that we so effortlessly try to do, because we are possibly placing our effort in the wrong place.

Obedience begins in the heart of knowing YOU were created to #1. Love God. When we love God, we can love others and as we love others we can feel a reward within our lives as accepted and loved because we are living our lives not just for us, but for someone else and when we do this, WE then begin to feel worth and with worth we feel value and with value we can offer ourselves freely to, #2 God and then others, and never really leaving ourselves out of the picture, because loving God and others actually makes us the Champion of our own mind. After all, this is about listening to the 'commands' of the voice that leads us into all truths.

Have you ever read Psalms 73 You should. It's a message of Gods love for us and how he is always trying to guide our lives. Pay attention. Listen.....if you did not have a voice in your life that guided you like I was so fortunate to have as a child and young adult, I can tell you, I hear Gods voice much louder at times than that of my earthly father because Gods voice is consistent in His Word.
John 16 tells us that the 'Spirit of Truth' will lead us. That Spirit came through Jesus, and He left with us His Holy Spirit when he died for us on the cross.

Rev. 3:8 tells us that God knows our 'works' and He has set the door before us and no man can shut it!

You might as well get disciplined and remain obedient to yourself and to God, because it is there you will find that you are no longer living this life for YOU, but living it BECAUSE OF WHO HE HAS MADE YOU TO BECOME,...........it's through HIM for others.
The greatest commandment.......just Seven Words, if you allow it, can change your mind.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In the Garden

                                                                               It's true that in the Garden He restores our soul.
 I find the most peace when I am picking weeds or digging in the dirt!
My creativity runs deep in my bones!

This old door was on an old barn in my dad's back pasture.


God makes all things beautiful……we just get to accessorize it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As I sit here at my desk, looking over the top of my computer screen, hanging on the wall of my office is a scripture in the mix of my collage; "And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their Fathers." Malachi 4:6
I am here because I wanted to write my thoughts about how stirred I was after a lunch appointment I had with a dear friend. I explained to her the love that has grown within me toward MISSIONS. I particularly have a strong pull for the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Though I very much feel I would go 'anywhere' since flying to the other side of the World in 2013, first to India where I led a team of women and to Nepal where I would 'finally stand with my sister while she introduced me to 10,000 people! I was the first to speak at the 10 year celebration of "You Said Go Ministries" missionary work in Nepal. (This ministry was built by God and by David and Rhonda Knox, my sister, who connected with a couple in Nepalgung Nepal. It's an amazing story)

PAST: Until my mother insisted that I go to the country where her and my daddy initially began their journey in the early 1980's, I am not sure I would have truly ever gone. My mom has a way of making everything sound so exciting. I love that about her. She is a great encourager. So, together we went, 2 different times just to see the people she fell in love with many years ago.

Three years ago, I did not even know how to spell Tegucigalpa, much less have a desire to visit. However, while I was in Grove, Oklahoma attending the "Gathering of Eagles" conference at Grove Christian Center, I met Pastor Roberto Ventura. It was there that Bro. Roberto heard my voice while he was coming down the hall of the church. I was 'preaching' in the morning session. Later that day, through his English speaking daughter Emma, he wanted to tell me that I had the influence of my daddy in the delivery of my message, yet the sound of my mother in my tone. (I find both a compliment.) While we stood there, he continued to tell me that he did not remember meeting me years ago. He did, however, say that he might have remembered that I wore some type of cowboy hat! But he had never heard me 'preach'. (I was married and gone from GCC since 1985 after my first marriage, I never returned to live in Grove.) But it was in  that moment where Bro. Roberto invited me to come to their church called Gerizim in Tegucigalpa. I agreed, not because I felt I was qualified or honestly, that I really wanted to go, but it was just as the scripture says; "He shall turn the heart of the children to the Fathers." This daughter's heart finally turned after many years of doing my 'own' thing. I silently spoke to the air after walking away and said, "Ok, daddy, I will go."

It was the young Honduran man, sitting on his knees during worship that caught my attention at this conference in Grove, even with all the people who attended from all over the world. It was an amazing time…..there hasn't been another event like this. I will never forget. And I will never forget that visual of this young man in total worship before our living God.
It was David Martinez but at that time I didn't even know his name.  Strangely, he was positioned on the floor directly where my daddy used to stand while he was alive and pastoring GCC. Later, we briefly met, but not many words were shared. WE just enjoyed the 'ministry' during the conference, just like everyone else. It was a moment in time. A divine one that is.

I cherish the heart of this young man and after 3 years of contemplation, I find myself on a journey neither of us ever expected.

PRESENT: March 2014

I get off the plane for my third visit now to Tegucigalpa. My team of 4 and myself make it through customs and waiting on the other side I hear, "MOM!"

This time, I specifically come to see my 'son', David. From the minute we get off the grounds of the airport, he begins telling me about all the things he would have for us to do. While my legs are still trying to gain my footing from flying, he leads us to the school bus!? "You didn't tell me you got a school bus, David, that will take so much gas", I said.  "Oh, don't worry, mom" he says.

First day….only here a few hours…..and He says, "Oh, and tonight, mom you will preach." And I do, in the dark! The entire city lights blackout, not minutes before I step up to preach…fortunately, I preached about "The City set on a Hill for all to See!" From Isaiah 60.  (It talks all about the darkness! you should read it.) I preach by candlelight and flashlights, never able to see my Bible, God graces me with a message despite the adversity. Oh, and we are located in the highest crime related spot in the city of Tegucigalpa.
L to R--Tanner Linn, David Martinez, Holly Miller, Pastor of THIS newly planted church Oscar Ordonez Caceres, Tanner Ligon. Bottom left to right….Candice Anderson and Tiffany Massey.
It is dark. This photo is shot by a flash camera. Only holding my Bible, not reading from it.  Finally I put it down. David Martinez interpreting for me. He is a great interpreter!
David has a heart for the poorest of the poor, a huge desire to start a school, and an even stronger desire to build an orphanage. This young guy, at the age of 24, desires to do what looks impossible, but I believe I will live to see all that he desire to do. His desire is just like Jesus asked. Feed, clothe and love. This photo is on the road to the Garbage Dump!

This particular day, the Crespo family provided 50 meals for us to hand out. (Unfortunately, there is not enough for all to be fed.) It is an incredible sight to see. The stanch smell hits us in the face as we approach, but it is soon forgotten when they come running with excitement because we have food. Many 'work' and live here. The 'work' is to find plastic and metal and anything else of 'value'…….sad.
Yes, that is a 'sea' of trash behind the people…..it goes on for acres and acres!

I so very much LOVE this team! Tanner Linn from Grove, Tiffany Massey from Houston, Tanner Ligon (back to the camera) Grove, Candice Anderson from Wichita and me, the 'momma'. I love it! 

They still give smiles even under their circumstances.  The little one in the pink hat I want to bring home! 

Passing out the food lasts moments.

This is a child of the 22 member family David found one day while just driving around the area past the garbage dump to witness for Jesus. Among his search, he found Margaretta's beloved family.
David Martinez and Alician

Just going with the flow of another 'usual day' for David, we have to first stop at his favorite Chinese restaurant to pick up a huge order of fried rice. Once we get to the the destination,  I can see now why.
Catuluna….a place located in Tegucigalpa mountains. Priceless treasures we see. 

We were able to bring lots of goodies to them, as David shared with me certain needs prior to our coming. It is fun to watch them try on their 'new' clothes…….little Jose Louis has a new pair of jeans that are slightly big, so he finds a belt which only allowed me to see that Jose' needs a better belt!

At least 12 live in this little house. The smaller room to the left is the kitchen. No running water and no stove. But Margaretta, locks it up nonetheless before we all take off for church. 

I love her!! Oh my goodness, look at her boots! She is so cute and she does not want to share her rice!

Margaretta, momma is handing out the clothes. There is excitement in the air and I am full of tears. 

Five members of the family not photographed.

This is the packing in, just before David drives off without the Photographer!!
But we found a place for her, right in the front with me!! NOW, we can go to church!