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Monday, November 28, 2011

"Cashmere Christmas"

The Lord spoke to me very simple and yet complex today. I was digging through my desk and searching through books and found an old add for Cashmere cologne, which was stuck in the back of the book. Then I began to think of the word which defines Cashmere.
Cashmere is very expensive wool which is found in sweaters and also pants and jackets. I looked up the word Cashmere and what caught my attention was the fact that it is wool from a Himalayan goat. This began to penetrate into my thoughts. Himalayan goats; I thought, “what Lord?”
This is where the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and this is what I would like to share with you:
Every month I support a Nepali pastor and I have for a very long time; possibly 7 years. My sister Rhonda and brother in law David are missionaries to the 'armpit' of Nepal, which is Nepalgung, Nepal. I know that through the stories of my sister Rhonda and especially the story of her making history, by stepping foot on uncharted territory back several years ago, while in particular tribe in Nepal, my sister saw and experienced the value a goat. (A cashmere hind footed treasure--is the way I see them.)
After visiting this village and then returning a year later, Rhonda saw a little girl with mud all over her face and body and she was walking toward my sister. Because of the language barrier the little girl and her ‘cute’ little goat led my sister back around this small child's shack house. In a cage, she points to show my sister. In the cage were many more baby goats. (In Nepal this is very rare and quite a gift)
The little girl was talking to her, but only because of the interpreter she heard these words. “Every since you came for the first time and walked into our village, our goats have been giving birth to triplets!” I thought, now that is CASHMERE! (My sister along with many supporters have purchased many goats for the people of Nepalgung and various poverty stricken places in Nepal.)

We might need cologne and or want it, but the voice of the Lord will be heard many ways and I know that this morning he told me that "somebody on the other side of the World needs resources and provision, from you Holly."
With that story in my mind, I saw two things through the voice of the Lord. First of all I am not going to question God about the complexity of finding the old Cashmere cologne advertisement (which I have never bought) and simply see it as a ‘hint’ from the Lord as to what I am going to purchase for Christmas. No, I am not going to buy Cashmere Cologne which is possibly $85.00 for a 3.4 oz spray; I am going to buy a Cashmere goat.
There are many needs and desires and ideas for so many things this Christmas and I believe with my whole heart that the Lord is nudging me to keep in mind what HE sees as important. It’s the need which is important, whatever the need may be. Much like the words of my daddy; “See the need do the deed”—I hear the same voice, only this time it came through a Cashmere advertisement. I hear.
A goat is $150.00 and much like the CASHMERE wool, that is a high price, but I figured the Lord wants me to see this cashmere gift as one that will provide a family with milk and or meat for food on their table and if they are fortunate a female that can provide babies to sell which will aid in other families provision as well as just one. I am not plugging GOATS FOR NEPAL, though I am sure they would not be turned down, I am only stating the fact that if you have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, you will hear what He is saying!
Jesus said; “Those who have ears to hear let him hear.” Mark 4:9
Keep your ears open this season and remember that though it seems “high priced” what does it actually cost you.
How much is a STARBUCKS coffee? Just give up a few coffees and see what it could buy someone else who needs possibly………a goat or even a coat…and it doesn’t have to be cashmere!
 Just food for thought as we go into Christmas! Christ is the reason for the season! You could actually make this a Cashmere Christmas--for someone else!
I look forward to sharing this Holiday season with all of you as we face many events—parties—challenges—studies—gift ideas and so much more. But, whatever is on your calendar as we finish out this year, remember you could be the deed for a very important need. Be blessed—bless others and remember you are A GIFT!