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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My HEART bleeds.

My home state legalized Gay marriage. My heart truly bleeds for Oklahoma.

It’s like we are afraid to speak up in fear that we will look prejudice or that we are haters. But, it’s quite the contrary with me. In fact, if I do silence the TRUTH about the views of this ‘World’ that we live in, then I am doing and injustice not only to the human race in which God created, but I will also do an injustice to the GOD I say I love. He called me to love and to “Teach Truth as I was Taught,” not just because my daddy and pastors in and throughout my life taught me but because I began to see the Word of Truth by my own Spirit within me.
I am going to speak up because I love and I fear for the lives of those I care about (the many lives) as we approach “The End Times” (as the Bible says—). If the book of Hebrews says to, “‘spur’ one another on toward love and good deeds, and not give up meeting together as some are in habit of doing, but encourage one another all the more as we see the day approaching.” Then I feel that the ‘rights’ that this WORLD and all it’s “Legal” freedom speak out about, dictates that I no longer have a voice because I believe in the rights of the Biblical written Word of God.
I cannot be silent just as gays and homosexuals are no longer silent about how they feel and how they want to live and feel they have a right to stand for something they believe in. (ever noticed that there is a segregation, when we call them Gays and Homosexual’s? God and His love did not do that. Choices made, did that. I know I too once felt separated from my loving friends and Christian believers when I chose to be loose with my body and less with my FAITH in God.) I love ALL MY FRIENDS that profess to be gay in fact I have a niece that lives a gay lifestyle though I have never ‘heard’ her say to me she was gay. (But a tree that bears leaves that appear to be a fruit tree essentially will bring forth fruit.) (But even the thought of that can scare me for her, because Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing fruit in the wrong ‘season’ and it goes on to say; “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but MY WORD will NEVER PASS AWAY.” In the end of all of this, and there will be an end, HIS WORD will stand taller than our fight for what we want to be right.
So here I am, it may not really be a SECRET since I post all the time about my love for God, but I also love passionately the stance I have with “Legal” TRUTHS of Gods standards. After all, the only reason there is a fight for “rights” is so that a standard can be set for a certain side. However with me, this in my ‘training’ to speak with love, but speak also with Truth.

Standards, Gods way, has been jeopardized by mans thinking and actions. What I know about choices, mine included, if a mind is not renewed and washed by the Word of God then it’s trumping the plan of God and forcing Gods standard to be omitted. Are we setting ourselves a trap? I know the Bible pretty well, I’m not a scholar, but according to Genesis, God allowed Abraham in to the city of Sodom and Gomorrah to observe the wickedness in those cities. I am leaning in toward the urgent request to ‘bargain’ with God for the sake of my friends!! GOD PLEASE SPARE US FROM OUR ‘RIGHTS’ WE ARE ALL FIGHTING FOR, FORGIVE US, BECAUSE WE HAVE TAKEN OUR EYES OFF OF YOU AND OFF OF YOUR PLAN, BUT INSTEAD WE ARE WANTING OUR OWN PLAN TO BE FULFILLED. GOD FORGIVE US!
What will happen if we continue to ‘fight for OUR rights’ which contrary to the Word of God? We will eventually reap a harvest in our lives. (I say, “WE” because even in my silence I too become guilty, if I do not declare what God created me to declare.) Sometimes that harvest is destruction.  
If there were no laws, which humans have constantly broken then there would be no need to fight for freedom, which essentially places us in bondage. BUT, God set a standard into motion when he set the laws into place because people were guided by their own sexual, immoral and fleshly desires, nearly always in and throughout this flawed world, we have broken the laws of God and yet, HE has GRACED us numerous times. (Thank God there is a Savior, His name is Jesus.)  From the beginning of time, Gods people, in Exodus 13 & through chapters 22), when they took their eyes off of God, they built their fate. When we fight for what is desired rather than desiring for what is SOUND DOCTRINE, then we will eventually set ourselves up for FAILURE.
I am not suggesting that you should not LOVE someone from the same sex in fact I have many female friends, whom I love. I have many male friends, whom I love. I am just asking you to delve a little deeper and stop looking for politics or Hollywood or even the agony of what drives someone to run to a distorted ‘truth’ to go back, quickly go back to the Word of God and remember that even God will EXALT his Word above EVERYTHING. Psalms 138:2

If He finds the significance in WHAT HIS WORDS say…..I am going to take it pretty literally that He must mean it.

I love you, I truly do…..but even as you, my gay friends are not silent about fighting for rights, I will stand behind you and fight for YOU, whom God created for a greater purpose than ‘rights.’

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