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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"No Bible--No food"

I try to set and start my day with reading the Word of God first before anything else. I failed this morning. My new motto for 2011 is “No Bible, NO food.” I did my usual mix of greens (I consider that vitamins-not food) as well as my regular vitamin regime, before and after my walk.
I did not leave the kitchen and go to my office to read my incredibly marked up—post it note invaded—beat up green Bible, given to me by my mother after my dad’s death. It has become my source of all readings. love it!

I stood in the kitchen knowing full well that my appetite for filling my belly was overruling my appetite for reading the Word. I relented to the belly.

I made it to my office and opened my Bible to Matthew. Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. Vs.39 so pray to the Lord who is in charge of the Harvest; ask him to send out more workers for the fields.”
I thought to myself, “what a paradox” to find this scripture in the midst my failure to read, but instead I forgive myself and moved forward. “No Bible—No food” will be there again tomorrow, it’s just a theory I say, but I am not righteous alone to do anything great!

I was awake and praying at 3:30 this morning for rain for the Kansas Harvesters. (I know a family that I regularly pray for during the wheat growth and the wheat harvest. I have seen the fields rich, but this year, word is, 'it is dry!') This ‘words’ Jesus spoke in Matthew was Gods way of showing me that even in the midst of ‘failure’ He is still the God of the Harvest no matter the drought or of “famine” for the belly which I decided to feed. God is still the God of the Harvest. He will rain if He chooses and He will cause drought if He chooses. He is the God of the harvest. 
I text my friends who have the fields of wheat and asked if it rained in Hesston last night; thinking my prayers worked! His text back was; “NO RAIN”.
See, we can’t move God by our traditions or our theory’s or our standards. We move God by what we keep our faith in; THE WORD OF GOD. We move God by trusting that we know Him no matter the ‘drought, the famine, the hunger or the abundance’ we must simply just trust God. We can't move God, God moves in us.

Though I never thirst, or rarely go hungry, I find myself desiring the Word first. Do I always read it every single day, no. But my heart is set as my day is set to desire to feed my Spiritual man before my physical man. Will I accomplish this feat? I will get up tomorrow and try all over again with the same theory and motto; “No Bible--no food.”

When you Know the Bible—you will know the FOOD, the sustenance of its result is greater than any bowl of oat mill.

“Have a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day!”

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