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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Perception---is it truth?

Perception means this; “The process of using the senses to acquire in formation about a surrounding environment of situations.

Do we really know because we perceive? I have found in my adult life, and I have lived a little while and I can tell you this that it is not actually what you observe it to be. Trial an err has taught me the fact.

It is not until we have walked in someone else’s shoes that we should ever judge the surroundings of someone else.

I have judged/perceived and I have been judged.  In evaluation of others I have learned that NOTHING is what you might perceive it to be. Unless you live in the situation, you are not correct in what is really going on. A lesson I am learning every time I have either been judged or heard judgment of others or have judged others. Only God knows first hand the dynamics of people’s pain or life. Really, we are just suppose to love and if we think we should correct what we see, then I encourage you to hesitate before you do, as you just might find yourself facing the pain of someone’s perception on your own life and those repercussions hurt. I know.

If I have judged or perceived something about someone else, I am sorry. Since being crushed by perception, I relent in this action and only hope that I remember just how much it has hurt me.

Perception: an attitude or understanding based on what is observed or thought.
Think before you judge—it might just come back and judge you.