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Monday, June 24, 2013


I'm sitting in the waiting area of Walgreens "take care clinic"....anticipating the fact that I am going to get vaccines for my up and coming missionary journey to India. I'm sitting among the Vicks vapor rub and watching the lady, waiting across from me, and thinking she could potentially vomit!

The reality that I am even taking a journey to the other side of the World, to a place I've never even remotely thought I'd go, nor a place where many WANT to go and a place that I understand they wouldn't go again, is quite real for me at this moment.
Reality #1 I wait to get shot with some weird vaccine which prevents me from attracting the very thing they are putting in me.....strange. However, I know that like a child's prayer, I can say; "God is great, God is good, let us Thank Him," for this.....food? 
Oh boy! All I know is, God is calling me to this, therefore the experience of all I have had to do prior to sitting here is even more than I assumed it would be....but it has all been insightful!

Reality # 2 Japanese Encephalitis? Never heard of it till about 2 months ago.
Reality # 3Typhoid? Sounds familiar, but seriously?
Reality # 4Hep A & B.....um....no thanks.

So, I ask you, if you were ever challenged to step outside of your daily routine, your comfortable life, and to put yourself in a position to simply TRUST, not because its easy, but because its a challenge of your choosing, would you do it? And, would you overcome?
This is where my heart is concerning particular things I have had the privilege of overcoming while preparing for this journey. I know this will be one of the greatest experiences of my life, because anything that challenges you, changes you. I like change..
  • Challenged in leadership
  • Challenged in endurance
  • Challenged in relationships
  • Challenged in spiritual
  • Challenged in these shots!
  • Challenged in Fasting
  • Challenged in complacency
  • Challenged in study (how, what)
  • Challenged in eagerness
  • Challenged in thinking too much.
  • Challenged in my FAITH to trust that God has it all worked out!
Now, don't get me wrong, just because I bare my weaknesses in my challenges, does not mean I am falling! It simply means I am deliberately making a stance to Overcome anything that tries to take me out!

If I were not called to do "this thing" then I might not ever get to do THE VERY THING I was truly called to do, AND accomplish! And I will accomplish this journey.

Well, the lady waiting before me, just came out......I'm up next, for my shots!
I just need to remind the enemy something, before I walk back with the nurse..... I say to him this: "Enemy, if you can't take the heat of my determination, then go torment the MOSQUITO's, cause I am certain you are going to try and take stabs at me in the future, much like you have the past 6 months, but, guess what? By the blood of Jesus and in HIS NAME, I have authority over you, and your pestilence!!! Matthew 28:18--REPEL!! And take that!!!!!"

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