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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I found a prophecy written (and typed) dated October 21, 1996 by my daddy. The very first line of the verbiage says this: “For surely I am raising up a people who will stand in this generation.”
Monday night, January 2, I hosted yet another “Tribal Bible Study” in my home. The words which I kept using during my time with these 13 women was this; “Bridge the Gap between the past and the present.” What does that mean, you might ask? Well, all I can tell you is that during my preparation and time of study, I know I heard deep in my Spirit this voice which kept telling me; ENTER IN. Enter into what I thought? Enter in and bridge the gap.
There are symbolic numbers in the Bible which are defined various ways, like the number for God is 1 and the number for man is 6 and the number for Entering in is 12. I believe this ‘voice’ I heard, was not simply for me, but for you the reader. ENTER into that place that you have always talked about going, but never did and Enter into that step of faith that keeps calling you and stop listening to the doubt that has so dominated your life for so long.
Where are you supposed to go? What are you suppose to do? Only you can and will know the answer to that question. My question to you is this; “Will you fall back on that desire or challenge, or will you press forward and accomplish the very thing that has haunted you for too long?” This is 2012, a time to Enter In.
When I found the piece of paper from my daddy, written 10 years and 6 months and 15 days prior to his death (I’m not that great at math, so I could be off a little—he died May 9th 2006) I noticed the same nudge I am challenging you with, was also challenging me. The very next line of his written prophecy was this; “A people who will be called by my name, who will stand in marriage, in the home and church, through the good times and the bad.” I thought, well that doesn’t apply to Entering In, that applies to personal ministry and personal behavior. Well then I must tell you what the very next line says; “And I am calling for a people that will be a bold witness and will tell the World that Jesus Christ is Lord in every situation!”
It applies. It applies to all who desire to be used mightily in their lives, this year.
Entering In for 2012 truly means to Enter In to the place that will bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “For I say, that a covenant must be kept,” was another line of his written words. I began to feel a little more certain now, about this being applicable to my life, today. In fact, prophecy is always applicable or the Word of God is void. Isaiah the prophet is still a guide. I love to read and acknowledge his words and they are thousands and thousands of years old. This prophetic Word from my anointed preacher daddy is as vital to my life as Isaiah saying I am a sharp sword ready to be taken from Gods quiver. (Emphasis mine Isaiah 49:2) I never doubted those words almost 4 years ago when I began teaching in my home. Why would I think that the ‘nudge’ in my Spirit is any different today than the nudge I felt when I read Isaiah’s words to begin to teach and become a sharp arrow which will pierce into the hearts of many who will be brought into my home? I won’t. I will not doubt what I know the voice of my prophetic daddy will say to me, though the words are dated now sixteen years later. I won’t.
“And those who refuse to be covenant keepers will not embrace the move of My Spirit.” Wow, now those words pierced me. I want more than anything to be covenant keeper to God, as He is a greater covenant keeper to me.
Eight years ago, I found myself standing in a NEW ENTRANCE. I had just walked away from a life of surviving solely on what my natural ability was able to produce through being a hairdresser and I was three months newly married. Many of my former 23 years I wanted to change the course of my life, but knew I could not do so because the bills still had to be paid. The last 10 of those years I was single after my marriage of 9 years ended. So, here I stood at a bridge, now gapped.
All during my ‘single life’ I kept asking God to please allow me to enter into another marriage. He ultimately answered my plea, possibly when HE knew I would keep the covenant I promised. I know this to be true for me personally; I cannot speak for others who have been divorced. I know that He asked me to truly consider HIS covenant with me and this time to make it more about HIM. I have kept that promise now for eight years. (moving into 9) He is keeping his covenant with me—He always does, even when in my past I did not. “Bridge the Gap.”
At the ENTRANCE of that eight years ago threshold, I determined to live this life of marriage and ministry and covenant differently than I ever challenged myself before. I could share my accolades of various things which I have accomplished, but that would only give glory to me, not God, and bore you. But I will say this, I wrote and published two books and only God could know that was a life long desire.
Two more lines of daddy’s words said this; “For they will find that there is no one to be married to in the earth. And there is no one to be yoked with in the earth. And my example was sent from heaven unto the earth, I made a covenant with PEOPLE.” I thought to myself; you sure did, God. And then I kept reading; “I did not discriminate, I chose to take all.” And now, I am very certain He is not only talking to me, but to YOU. What is He asking you to do?
Deeper—further lines in the prophecy, still; “And you have heard it said and it is truth, it is not the words that you say, it’s the life that you live that is lasting example.” Oh, God, you really are talking to us!

What is God asking you to do this year? Fourteen lines from the bottom of the prophecy of my daddy’s say this; “And I say to you, determine that you are going to keep a covenant. For a covenant is Holy in the house of God. And if you do not keep covenant in the house of God, how can you expect to receive the benefits of the covenant that the Lord your God has given unto you when you refuse the example of covenant that has been given?”
I told my husband, 8 years ago that I was supposed to do ministry for the Lord and for the sake of the call which is to declare that Jesus Christ did in fact die for me and for you. You might ask; what is the ministry or the call? It is the very thing that NUDGES you every single day that you have yet to yield to. I know you hear it. I know I heard it daily while living single and on my own. For me, marriage was the first ministry God entrusted me with and second was the church. I am faithful to both. Thirdly and definitely not last and not least, he is calling me to “be a bold witness that will tell the world that Jesus Christ is Lord in every situation.” I wonder daily what that might be comprised of, but I cannot question the details, only ENTER IN to the doors that are before me.
The last line of this prophecy is this; “and they shall walk with boldness through the earth, and they will do signs and wonders and miracles and nothing good will be withheld from them! For, they shall say that my God is Jesus and He is my Lord. Hallelujah!”
Joshua 1:6 says; Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
I’m going, will you?

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