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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Acceptance that never ends

A new momma loves this little boy! 

 This little guy is reaching up and it's not merely an act of FAITH whether or not someone will pick him up, because I personally know someone will. But for many wounded in this World it's a daily question whether or not someone, most profoundly, whether or not God, will pick them up.
It starts very young....it's natural to be cuddled and protected and LOVED.

                                               Diverse conditions......same kind of love.

So many wounded hearts in this World, but one I see most prevalent in America is the need for acceptance and desire to be loved. Little babies expect it and should always get it, but some don't. This one pictured does because he is my nephew(top pic) and I know how much he is loved.

However it is not the case with many people, so they search until they 'think' they have found it.

WE, yes, myself included have fallen in and out of love and in and out of love......thinking that THIS IS THE ONE....only to find that you are abandoned and begging again for that same attention and desire to be fulfilled as when you found this one that just walked away. 
This need will never be filled by human antics or human words or a multiplicity of sex partners. Though I believe in love from another person, as I am married, but when you search for it in love from others over and over again, it's just off kilter.  That kind of love, if you want to call it love is not what sustains us. When we live our lives basing every minute of happiness in the thought of someone loving us, then we have stopped loving ourselves. 

The way I see it, when Jesus talks about Love, he says, "love me, love them, love YOU." 

If you don't love him and only love them, then you don't love you.
It has to be all three in constant obedience that causes it to work,  ESPECIALLY loving GOD FIRST. 

I already wrote about that topic, but I what experienced this past weekend was a very bad situation that didn't really surprise me really, as I have lived long enough and reached out enough to see the bad. But, it really does always amaze me how people lose their self worth and depend on and rely on others to fully love and accept them, in order to reach the he/she "completes me" mentality. No-body can do that for another human 24/7 and if that is the Worship of another, then it's not healthy! It's made for the Movie Screen. Never mind the fact that it's not the way according to Gods Word, that he designed it to be.

I love my husband, but I can tell you if I do not know who I am in the Lord Jesus Christ, with Charlie or without Charlie, then I will never truly know who I am. And I would fail horribly at what I am aiming to do in this ministry if I totally and completely relied on my husband for my every waking move. 
My desire is to instill Truth from the Word of God that builds a CHAMPION on the inside of a SOUL. So, whenever that 'soul' gets hit, because it will, they will be able to take the fiery darts and not fall to the point of no return and end up much like I witnessed this weekend at a house of chaos, shambles, filth and debris and a broken and crushed heart turning every which way to find peace. 

We can't be dependent on someone else to 'complete us' but rather rely on the CHAMPION, who is Jesus to be ingrained in our heart, our mind and our spirit.
Read the Word, be encouraged by positive Christians, stay tuned up by listening to worship music, search for a testimony that will build you up rather than gossip that will bring you down! In other words, you are in charge of "KEEPING HOUSE"........keep it safe from harm.

I close with some words from a dear friend of mine, Paul. In the book of Acts he stands up and takes a deep breath and says, "Fellow Wichitians, (Israelites) and friends of God, listen. God took special interest in our ancestors, pulled our people who were beaten down  and in exile to their FEET, and led them out of there in GRAND STYLE. He took good care of them for nearly forty years in the godforsaken wilderness and then, having wiped out seven enemies  who stood in the way, gave them land of their very own! (a span of about 450 years!) "


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