It’s the 4th of July and I do not know a better reason for blogging than to blog on the freest day of the year. Why is it free? We see it as a celebration, but we live it every single day. The fact is every single day is a celebration of our freedom.
I am a Christian and ‘they’ say do not mix religion and politics in the same conversation, but I cannot help to mix the two, as the two are not so dissimilar to the truest meaning of freedom.
I sat here on my computer for a while this morning reading many post on Facebook and I appreciate the fact that so many people are Patriotic and hopeful for this America . I got to thinking about other countries—places--people who are less fortunate and other friends of mine who are possibly not as blessed and or free, but what I do know is that we are all considered FREE. We enjoy civil liberties and we are not bound by ‘too’ many restrictions.
In Religion I have learned a great lesson. If I live by the Word of God and rest in its promises and do my part to abide in the Love and the Law, I find that I am freer, because I allow God to fully bless me as He wills. He always wills to bless for His glory, for those who choose to abide by His plan and purpose for our lives.
With every piece of freedom is a law for protection. With every blessing comes an obedience package, handed to us by the Lord Himself. An obedience package is a set of rules/guidelines that help to make you free from restrictions. (Restrictions which we bring on ourselves) When you abide by the rules you are then freer. For instance, getting pulled over while driving too fast supplies for you a ticket with a big price. Are you free? Of course not, you are now in restriction to your very own disobedience. If one simply abides by the FREE law which is provided, (driving the speed limit) you are unrestrained from restrictions.
When I listen to the voice of the Lord through simple instructions written in the Word of God, The Holy Bible, I then find that I am actually freer than I was in my aggravations before realizing this truth. I lived and experienced a life of trying to do my own thing and making all kinds of bad decisions, but in the long run, I found out that when I do as the Word of God says; I am FREER! My life is then open to receive all that He has promised for me all along. BECOME FREE. (Joshua 1:8—II Timothy 3:16-17 are a couple of examples.
In Patriotism –I did not have to go out and fight for my freedom, somebody did that for me. (And I thank them) I am simply asked to Honor this freedom by recognizing that someone laid down their life for me. I must return the recognition by abiding close to the divine will, which keep me safe.
It is the same as Religion—Jesus Christ came and died for my freedom. In Patriotism many men have chosen to lay down their lives for this Awesome and Incredible Country we live in and we must protect them by honoring the rules of obedience to the ONE who first died for them!
Recognizing that there really is no separation between the two is the first thought of truly keeping this country free—and feeling the freedom from your own bondages. God chose to Bless America and as long as we honor the divine truths of His Word—we are then blessed.
Religion and Patriots:
Many men died and still die for our freedom. My hope is in the militant men, but my eternal hope is in my relationship I have in believing that our first Freedom is found through acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior of this world. All are free when this happens, even the less fortunate.
One man died for our freedom from restrictions and bondages and our sins that restrain us from His ultimate blessing. His name is Yahweh—Jesus Christ.
ARE YOU FREER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN? True freedom is not a place of proximity—it is a close relationship with Jesus. You will not live in America forever. You will have to choose where you will eternally spend your freest life.
Choose the obedience package and live free.