The reality that I am even taking a journey to the other side of the World, to a place I've never even remotely thought I'd go, nor a place where many WANT to go and a place that I understand they wouldn't go again, is quite real for me at this moment.
Reality #1 I wait to get shot with some weird vaccine which prevents me from attracting the very thing they are putting in me.....strange. However, I know that like a child's prayer, I can say; "God is great, God is good, let us Thank Him," for
Oh boy! All I know is, God is calling me to this, therefore the experience of all I have had to do prior to sitting here is even more than I assumed it would be....but it has all been insightful!
Reality # 2 Japanese Encephalitis? Never heard of it till about 2 months ago.
Reality # 3Typhoid? Sounds familiar, but seriously?
Reality # 4Hep A & thanks.
So, I ask you, if you were ever challenged to step outside of your daily routine, your comfortable life, and to put yourself in a position to simply TRUST, not because its easy, but because its a challenge of your choosing, would you do it? And, would you overcome?
This is where my heart is concerning particular things I have had the privilege of overcoming while preparing for this journey. I know this will be one of the greatest experiences of my life, because anything that challenges you, changes you. I like change..
- Challenged in leadership
- Challenged in endurance
- Challenged in relationships
- Challenged in spiritual
- Challenged in these shots!
- Challenged in Fasting
- Challenged in complacency
- Challenged in study (how, what)
- Challenged in eagerness
- Challenged in thinking too much.
- Challenged in my FAITH to trust that God has it all worked out!
If I were not called to do "this thing" then I might not ever get to do THE VERY THING I was truly called to do, AND accomplish! And I will accomplish this journey.
Well, the lady waiting before me, just came out......I'm up next, for my shots!
I just need to remind the enemy something, before I walk back with the nurse..... I say to him this: "Enemy, if you can't take the heat of my determination, then go torment the MOSQUITO's, cause I am certain you are going to try and take stabs at me in the future, much like you have the past 6 months, but, guess what? By the blood of Jesus and in HIS NAME, I have authority over you, and your pestilence!!! Matthew 28:18--REPEL!! And take that!!!!!"