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Monday, November 24, 2014

DON'T JUDGE.....including yourself.

I had a dream last night that will not leave my mind! In this dream, I was very plain (something I am not) I had no jewelry and no makeup and no amenities of this life. Something I am definitely NOT! (Although I love going to third world countries, but I still like clean water to drink and to bath in.) No running water in this dream, no nice bed and people who were trying to dictate my lifestyle and reluctant to adopt any conveniences of this modern life, which we in the USA are so familiar with and can’t live without. (and if you say you can, you are kidding yourself! WE are spoiled.)
This dream got me to thinking about how much emphasis I might put on my appearance or how much I adorn certain areas of my existence in order to cover flaws. But, I am ok with covering flaws, because that comes with being a cosmetologist for 30 years! I’ve always been a creative thinker who adorns EVERYTHING.   I’ve been judged by my appearance and have received  “hate letters” anonymously, in my mailbox for appearing ‘rich’ (if people only knew how I ‘really’ shopped.) and they criticized me for seeming too focused on my ‘style’.
So this dream was a bit OFF and it was so widely diverse from whom I am that I began to ask God if He was trying to tell me something that I needed to know.
Do I focus too much on my appearance?
Do I ignore the people who need help and do not have the amenities of life like I do?
Are you pleased with me, God?
Why did I dream this dream?
I can tell you, GOD is not criticizing me, nearly as much as I can criticize myself. He created my mind and He created my nature. It’s me who has to align all of the junk that comes from the outside world and into my sub-conscience mind, because I am certain of His love for me, I see it clearly in HIS Word.
WE are way to hard on ourselves and we are way to critical of other people. We hear it all the time about judgment, but we still judge. I too, judge, but try DAILY to see people the way God sees them. I can tell ya, God does not see us the way we judge ourselves or the way we judge others. He sees His creation as complete. A finished work, marvelously and wonderfully made! (Psalms 139:14) He waits patiently for us to see ourselves the way He does. 
I remember at 5 years old, carrying around an open umbrella, not because it was raining, but because I loved the ‘fashion’ I found in Umbrellas. No body had to tell me to have a fashion conscience I just did, early in my life. Should I judge that? Yes, as long as it isn’t my total focus? For my friends who know me, they know me. For those who judge doesn’t mean they are necessarily my enemy, they are just less informed as to what creative minds are doing and thinking and quite possibly they have not stopped criticizing their own nature so it’s easy to do it to someone else.
How quickly do we judge what God has created?
When I saw myself in this dream as playing the part of an Amish type woman literally scared me. It caused me to wake up! I felt trapped and I felt I was not true to my character. In my dream I argued with the ‘community’ of people who tried placing their judgment on me for being flamboyant.  I based my argument of the very nature and emotion and FACTS of my loving and giving and gracious God!
Have you ever seen a Peacock or a Toucan or a white dove or a giraffe or a zebra or even an elephant? How about an octopus or a garden of red roses or a field of daisy’s or a mountain with white caps or an abundance of Canadian geese? Have you ever noticed the drama in the eyes of God? I have. I have seen the beauty in thousands of women in beautiful Sari’s walking barefoot on green, flowing grass of Nepali and India mountains and hills. I have looked out the window of an airplane and felt I could literally touch the tips of every mountain while flying into Katmandu.
I have walked through endless splendor of Colorado Aspen trees in the fall that literally took my breath away. I have seen and tasted and experienced the EXTRAVAGANCE of Gods masterpieces. I know the creativeness of the God who created me, and YOU. I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU for however plain you might be, because it’s beautiful in the eyes of the creator. Just don’t judge the charisma of the Ostrich or the Swan. We are all diverse and we are all something FABULOUS in the eyes of God.
I have touched a june-bug and I have witnessed the smell of skunks. I know the God who created all of it. Plain or beautifully complex.  
Have you ever read the book of revelation where John describes Heaven? It says that the beauty will be beyond our imagination! John said that the entire city would be transparent gold. He says the walls of the new city are precious jewels. The gates are twelve single pearls. The city itself and the streets are pure gold, yet like transparent glass. Revelation 21:18-21.

 I woke up scared to death in my dream that I was something other than myself. I won’t diminish my traits while I am completely awake now, just as I will not diminish those who live in a simpler way of thinking. I just want to be here to serve and give, only I will do it fully, ME. FULLY dressed, MAKEUP AND JEWELRY not to impress or to show off; it’s just me. I will not live in fear for who I am. If God adorns the earth and heaven, I am pretty sure HE ADORNS ME WITH HIS LOVE.
Just thought I’d share…….live true, live loving others and be who God has created you to be.

There is NO FEAR in the perfect love of God. (1John 4:18)

God and I will live to testify of your great love. Always.