Do you want to get uncovered--set free--happy--un-fatigued--unappalled--and prevent your 'let downs' from defining your out come?
Our God is a God of second chances. Thank goodness He is or he would have abolished my heart long ago. He is a God of mercy and grace, to find us in and out of our situations.
God, who is the God of second chances allowed King David to pass his wisdom to his son Solomon. (Solomon was a child of an affair, which David had with Bathsheba--II Samuel) God does not focus on the sin, but rather he focuses on the seed.
Our God, who created us and has given to us our very life looks at the intent of our heart. He does not remain focused on sins once we have asked forgiveness of that sin.
Though sin is the seed of something; God turns the bad to the good in His time.
A fathers sin is often reflected in the life of his children. David had another son Absalom. David saw his sin in Absalom. His story is found in II Samuel 15:10. "But while Absalom was there, he sent secret messengers to every part of Israel to stir up rebellion against the King." As soon as you hear the trumpets; his meassage read, you will know that Absalom has been crowned king in Hebron. Absalom brought rebellion against his father David. Absalom crowned himself King. David and his men fled from Jerusalem and went to Mahanaim--Absalom and his army followed only to be defeated in the Forest of Ephraim, where Absalom was killed. (He was hung by his own hair in a tree)
My point is this. We think there is never a way out of self destruction. What do I mean by self destruction? How we manage our life and influence the people in our life. If we cannot be "more" to others and foremost to God, because of the great gift we are, then there is usually a selfishness that results in sin and doubt or rebellion and thus we become lacking, and the result of that can be destructive.
Absalom was possibly quite worse in his behavior than his father David. But he was handsome like his father and Charismatic like him.
Absalom raped his sister Tamar after killing his half brother Amnon. He plotted against his father to take away his throne and listened to wrong advice! Actions against Gods plan will always fail.
When I am reminded of these stories of the Bible I think of how we can become disturbed in the fact that even the men of the Bible can become a let down, but David remained humbled and repented and God used him greatly. Several of his Psalms during Absalom's life of rebellion are scribed in Psalms chapters 39,41,55,61,and 63.
David was "let down," but God lifted him up!
I Peter 1:23-25 says in short, We only have one chance to do what God is asking us to do. One life to live. I Peter 1:24 says; People are like grass that dies away; their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of wildflowers. The grass withers and the flowers fall away. But the Word of the Lord last forever.