While sitting in the memorial
service/funeral a couple of weeks ago, with the passing of one of my former salon clients, Bun Brewer, (RIP sweet Bun) I jotted down several things on the
memorial program they handed out to each of us.
The minister who delivered her eulogy pointed out many scriptures, but
what stood out to me the most, was what my spirit caught concerning the
fact that Jesus told his friends many things, but the most important
thing he expressed was this. "I am the way the
truth and the life" John 14:6
---Jesus said so many things to his disciples and now he is speaking
even louder to us, as we are troubled or sorrowful or waiting and
doubting and wondering and even some, 'wandering'......don't lose heart
Jesus said.
He clearly says to us to NOT BE TROUBLED.....THERE ARE MANY ROOMS. (read John 14:1-4)
Jesus is our greatest example of how to console or minister to people.
He is the way, but He also expressed before He told them he was the way,
that we are NOT to be troubled. He said; "Trust me!" "I got this!"
If there are 'many rooms in my fathers house' then why do you worry? And
then He says; "If it were not so, I WOULD PLAINLY TELL YOU!" (my
emphasis..on the boldness.)
Why do we find ourselves in distress or wonder or wander or doubt or
anxiety etc, when the Words that Jesus spoke should SOLELY be enough to
get us by!
I was listening very intently to this Baptist preacher who articulated
the Word of God graciously and gracefully. The moment that struck me was
the fact that he stood before a dead body which we were honoring.
He was looking out into the lives of living breathing
human beings displaying a message of Jesus' words. He recited nearly 20
verses.....I was jotting fast, there were possibly more. I always take
notice when the Word is given....I think at some
point it will matter. Today, nearly two weeks later, they matter. Allow
me go on.
We, are alive and the only thing that truly matters is what we believe
and what we tell our friends all the way to the end; hearing Jesus'
words. "I am the way the truth and the life"---I told you not to worry!"
Did you know that when we doubt that God can intervene on our behalf, we
might as well be dead? We are totally and completely doubting
everything that He has said. Why do we do it? Because we forget what
Jesus told his friends and what He is saying to us still.
GET up, shake yourself off and remember; "Jesus is the way!"
Another verse this Pastor Bill Riffee spoke was this. (and this is my
final thought, maybe) Matthew 6:27 NLT. "Can all your worries add a
single moment to your life? Of course not."
Do you know that Jesus is your provider. His Word provides all that you need to get to the next place in your life?
Do you know that He feeds the birds, why wouldn't he feed you?
Did you know that He raises people from the dead even when we are attending a funeral? He is still a miracle working God!
Do you ever truly let go of your problems, concerns and relinquish them to God, TRULY?
Did you know that Jesus will never leave you, while you wait on that
report or wait for that spouse or move forward with that decision or
wait on a job or wait on answers or wait or wait or wait........? He
never leaves.
Psalms 56:3 "What time I am afraid---I trust you."
Is HE your hiding place? Then rest.....and remember words spoken over a
'dead body' and REJOICE that you are alive and celebrating the life that
you live! Live for Jesus and tell your friends about Him.