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Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Emily--and my second PUBLISHED BOOK!"

“The face of an arrow” is the name of my newly published second book. Today, I received my first copy of the book from the publisher. Because of its finalization and yet grueling process my husband and I decided we needed to celebrate the accomplishment of this ‘second’ feat! (I wrote it in 2008—took two years to finalize it—five months to publish)
So, Charlie and I vacillated between restaurants in support of which venue we would commemorate this accomplishment. And with his insistent zeal for what I had done, he chose the ‘Gas Lamp’. The Gas Lamp is a very nice restaurant. It is also a little pricey ‘new’ place and a very calm atmosphere on a Thursday night. It has a romantic ambiance for a couple who desires to come face to face in conversation about the evident and even the “vague.” Allow me to explain.

Our service waitress was Emily. Vibrant, full of life and personality with auburn red hair, which she chooses to have by application, and it compliments her naturally beautiful personality. What a delight she is to host a table.
My husband right away tells her we are here to celebrate my wife’s second book. She congratulates me, and then proceeds with the demands of her position. The second time she came back to the table with our drinks and then our appetizers, she ask; “So, what is your book about?” I proceed to tell her this; “I am a Christian author and this book is a product of the studies I began with women who came into my home for Bible study on Monday nights, for two years. They enjoyed and appreciated these studies so much, that one girl encouraged me deeply, to make it into a book, so I did.”
Emily said; “That’s so great, I really would love to study Theology and go to school to further my desire in this type of field. Then she says; “but with work and juggling my schedule, baby sitting in the mornings and working here in the evenings, I do not know how I will do it.”  I said; “The Lord will make it happen, you just need to keep your interest and not despise where you are, because you are a gift. The greatest virtue is to serve. You are learning right where you are, and you do it graciously.” She was filled with gratitude about my expressions, but I was actually finding myself fervently encouraging her to really hear my words. It was as if the timing on this was urgent in the grandeur scheme of things.
“My family is Presbyterian” she said.
I told her, though I am non-denominational and full gospel, I have scribed a couple of quotes in my book by a man named; “Dr. Timothy Keller from New York, also a Presbyterian.” I said; “Maybe you should just begin to listen to his ‘free’ downloads and be encouraged by his teaching until you can go to school.” “I will do that she said.”
I could see that she made note of it in her mind as I proceeded to share with her that my Uncle  was a Presbyterian priest. I loved him dearly. (he was actually a cousin, but we called him "uncle") I highly respected his gift of theology, though my Daddy was a non-denominational preacher, and the first in Grove, Oklahoma in the ‘70’s, I will never forget as a young girl my Uncles Delmar’s visits and his congenial spirit of the Word of God.
Every time Emily would come back to the table, I found myself expressing her gifts. My husband, was assessing her, since he did that as a business for 26 years, was also encouraging her right along with me. We could see that this girl can do anything she sets her heart and mind to do, as long as she relies totally on the Lord Jesus Christ. She agreed with that statement and she thanks us for seeing this in her.  It was easy to see.
It was a fascinating evening of celebration with Emily.  
I found that “The face of an arrow” and it’s celebration of commemoration was not at all about my private publicity or ‘fame’ or even my feat of accomplishment, but it was actually about doing what it was written and published to do. Pierce. Pierce the hearts of women like Emily who are searching for who they are in this big bowl of life we call accomplishment, yet we really only accomplish nothing unless we are REACHING to help others get to their TARGET.
Arrows need a target. Isaiah 49: 2 is the full illustration of my books description. I felt Isaiah’s words speak to me all over again while I was sharing with Emily.

We shared laughter with Emily, my husband and I, and we even shared tears, toward the end of the dinner when ‘we’ both began to applaud her attributes which were wholly God given. She, like others who do not see their gifts are truly presents to the world and have so much to offer.
Emily Gwinner was not on my scope when I left my house to celebrate “my” triumph. Ha! In fact, it was not about me AT ALL! I should have never written the first word on the blank pages two years ago, if I thought for a second it would ever be about me. It’s about Jesus. And His name was mentioned several times throughout the course of the evening.
It was also about the “Emily’s” of this world in which I hope to touch and to reach by its expressions of hope in finding who you really are in this world.
I grabbed her hand, before we parted ways and I said; “I pray that while you are here, you will continue to have a servant’s heart and I pray that God will bless you and allow you to fulfill the dream of seeing Him for who HE is in your life. I also asked for provision to be made for you to accomplish what you desire to do.” My husband and I believe it is MUCH. What a vibrant, smart and compassionate 22 year old lady.

I found Gods “Face of an arrow” in the midst of a “Gas Lamp” restaurant. I am certain she will be propelled right where He wants her to go.
Wow, what a celebration! Thanks Emily!
I will be bringing you my newly published book—as soon as I receive my first order in my hands.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"No Bible--No food"

I try to set and start my day with reading the Word of God first before anything else. I failed this morning. My new motto for 2011 is “No Bible, NO food.” I did my usual mix of greens (I consider that vitamins-not food) as well as my regular vitamin regime, before and after my walk.
I did not leave the kitchen and go to my office to read my incredibly marked up—post it note invaded—beat up green Bible, given to me by my mother after my dad’s death. It has become my source of all readings. love it!

I stood in the kitchen knowing full well that my appetite for filling my belly was overruling my appetite for reading the Word. I relented to the belly.

I made it to my office and opened my Bible to Matthew. Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. Vs.39 so pray to the Lord who is in charge of the Harvest; ask him to send out more workers for the fields.”
I thought to myself, “what a paradox” to find this scripture in the midst my failure to read, but instead I forgive myself and moved forward. “No Bible—No food” will be there again tomorrow, it’s just a theory I say, but I am not righteous alone to do anything great!

I was awake and praying at 3:30 this morning for rain for the Kansas Harvesters. (I know a family that I regularly pray for during the wheat growth and the wheat harvest. I have seen the fields rich, but this year, word is, 'it is dry!') This ‘words’ Jesus spoke in Matthew was Gods way of showing me that even in the midst of ‘failure’ He is still the God of the Harvest no matter the drought or of “famine” for the belly which I decided to feed. God is still the God of the Harvest. He will rain if He chooses and He will cause drought if He chooses. He is the God of the harvest. 
I text my friends who have the fields of wheat and asked if it rained in Hesston last night; thinking my prayers worked! His text back was; “NO RAIN”.
See, we can’t move God by our traditions or our theory’s or our standards. We move God by what we keep our faith in; THE WORD OF GOD. We move God by trusting that we know Him no matter the ‘drought, the famine, the hunger or the abundance’ we must simply just trust God. We can't move God, God moves in us.

Though I never thirst, or rarely go hungry, I find myself desiring the Word first. Do I always read it every single day, no. But my heart is set as my day is set to desire to feed my Spiritual man before my physical man. Will I accomplish this feat? I will get up tomorrow and try all over again with the same theory and motto; “No Bible--no food.”

When you Know the Bible—you will know the FOOD, the sustenance of its result is greater than any bowl of oat mill.

“Have a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day!”

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Five questions--Five answers--one Gospel"

The Best News is the Gospel News.
Written on May 16, 2011--posted for you today.

The Unanswered Questions: These questions below, which come from others, stream into my life on many occasions. I decided to lay out a few written words to encourage you through your week, and through unanswered questions in life. I write from my desk

Questions: (answers below)
  1. How do I know that what I possess in the Holy Spirit is ‘real’ POWER?
  2. What does it mean when you hear; “the last days?”
  3. Why do you say I can prophecy?
  4. Will God allow me to feel anything like Peter when speaking to the crowd in the book of Acts?
  5. Do you want to feel and know and see the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit?
Take notice of this verse, which I have given you time and time again, only this time God revealed to me greater while on my two mile walk this morning. I was praying and singing, as usual, and began to pray even greater in the power of  Holy Spirit, through the gift of the Spiritual tongue, and I felt the Lord say to me; “To be TRANSFORMED is to NOT CONFORM.”

Can I explain? Please indulge yourselves with me for a short time of revelation.

I was reading Acts 2 verse 4 and it says that ‘everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in an unknown tongue, as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance.’
Some may argue that this was a tongue of "other" languages, but I truly know and believe it was an awesome presence of the Holy Spirit which caused them to speak without human logic because it was such a privilege to be in the 'upper' room and to be EXPECTANT to hear from HIM! Do you want to hear from Him? Then ask God to fill you in the Holy Spirit's power and then just begin to receive. (muscles exercised, are muscles that gain a greater strength--exercise your ability!) Open your mouth and ask. That is what the crowd did when they were anxiously waiting to hear from the Jesus. (people want answers without participation) This is why they went to the upper room in the first place, which was to hear from Jesus. Jesus remains to this day, speaking to you through the Holy Spirit. You receive by accepting that He is still here! He gives you His power. Read John 14:12 for yourselves. “You will do greater works!” Greater works? Yes, Jesus said it.
Answers to the first question: (read again the question above)
  1. When I personally begin to allow the Holy Spirit to ‘consume’ me, first being present, just like the crowd was present, (which means to have conscience effort to be in attendance) I begin to understand the power of participation in the things of God. Just seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, BELIEVERS met to seek HIM. Because they came together, ‘believing’, the Holy Spirit came in! All you have to do is believe that He is near, and He comes in. Do you have to go to, or be in a crowd for Him to show you his presence, NO? All you need to do is RECEIVE—believe, open your mouth and begin to declare who He is and the fuel of that knowledge will begin to rise up on the inside of you and you will then be in accord (agreement) with what He is doing in your midst. Lay down logic and put away conformity of this world, and you will experience real power from Heaven!
  2. Jesus lived a short time on this earth, yet His life, His ministry, His fulfillment of Gods plan has surpassed the 33 short years he spent walking this planet earth. So then, the publicity and PURPOSE of His coming the first time was to solidify HIS MIRACULOUS RETURN. (The last days are any day spent after Jesus died and rose again. He is coming again, just like He came the first time. ARE you ready to receive all that He has for you?) He rose again after three days, but the miracle is He is still here by the essence of the HOLY SPIRIT’s power, in YOU. The Gospel being spread for 2000 years and then some are the object of God’s affection, but the reality is, Gods affection is ON US, through the work of Jesus Christ and HIS powerful Holy Spirit that you now possess! Do you? Are you conformed to the World or TRANSFORMED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT? Acts 1:8 clearly says that we receive if we believe. Receive His power. How? By believing you possess it, through Jesus' righteous act of living, dying, believing He rose again and left for you this gift of the Holy Spirit.
  3. It is not ONLY because Joel the Prophet said we would prophecy in the ‘last days’ it is because Jesus the Messiah said many years after Joel spoke it as well as Joel's prophecy, Jesus confirmed it. Prophecy is not only a foretelling of the future, though very relevant, it is also a place of insight toward the affections of our God. Jesus said; “If you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and DRINK! For the Scriptures DECLARE (announce the insight) that rivers of living water will flow out from within.” (When he said; ‘Living water’ He was speaking about the Holy Spirit, who is given to all believers.) When you speak, does is TRANSFORM, OR CAUSE YOU TO REMAIN CONFORMED TO AN OLD WAY OF THINKING? Receive the Holy Spirit.
  4. Peter stepped out to speak to the ‘crowd’—the crowd were believers and non-believers as well. But I would estimate that the majority of the crowd was there to hear how they could further believe that Jesus’ resurrection was more than enough for them to continue on in the ‘last days’……just like them, we must be anticipating MORE of his presence. I believe, I have received, and I walk in the Spirit and I talk through the Spirit and I pray in the Spirit and I rejoice because the Spirit of the Living God has and is doing a greater work because OF JESUS CHRIST! This is why He came and this is why Peter stepped out to SHOUT (according to Acts 2:14) to the crowd and say; “LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY TO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY!” “THE PROPHET JOEL SPOKE IT CENTURIES AGO”…….Then there they all are (Peter and the other eager believers) in the midst of Joel's prophecy which had come to pass. Those present then and I/we, you and me, now possess that same power! THE BOOK OF ACTS IS AN ACTION BOOK. It is the book that propels the gospels into action! It is the book which describes how powerful the gift of the Spirit is, when 'exercised' to do what Jesus came to do. He came to bring us salvation through His life, and He also came to give us power to walk it out! Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, (the gospels) tell of His wonders and the book of….ACTS teaches us that what we have in Jesus is REAL!! Take action~! Take notice to the written word~!
  5. Then lay down your inhibitions and receive just like they did in the book of Acts. People all over the World are receiving Power from the Holy Spirit--it was not for a certain group, it is for any group or person who determines to live like the Word of God says we can live. When we lay down our CONFORMITY—our traditional values—our orthodoxy—our compliance and our DOUBT, we will then be TRANSFORMED into a greater possession of POWER. You can change your thinking about who you are in Christ, by seeing your life IDENTIFIED by what Jesus said in John 14. “YOU WILL DO GREATER WORKS!”

AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN HALLELUJAH!! He is coming again. Allow Him to come now within your life which you now possess on this earth, prior to your kingdom/heavenly body! Get your earthly body READY FOR HIS RETURN, by receiving all that He has for your right here and right now! Jesus shows us the way.

I want to close with this great story from one of my Spiritual daughters I adopted long ago, when she came into my home for Bible Study:
Last week in an email I wrote to my Tribal Bible Study group, I mentioned that Kristin was sitting on a ‘bear stand’ alone in Canada waiting to shoot a bear with a ‘bow and arrow’. I mentioned to you, to take notice of what she was doing and you would see much. So, I took my own advice and began to take notice, particularly after her story grew.
Alone, sitting on a Bear stand, waiting for a dangerous bear to come within the range of your shot, takes faith!
May 13, at 8:51 am. I received a text, and though Bryan her husband was with her this particular time, she accomplished what she set out to do. The text read; “Killed my bear last night. Heart shot at 20 yards. He went 30 yards and died.”
I thought to myself, just like I wrote last week, “she’s got something I don’t.”

Well, we are all facing some big bear in our lives. We sit and wait for the powerful possession we know, or hope we have to finally come into action at the GOD GIVEN moment and then we aim and pull the arrow (Kristin’s bow is about 70 to 80 lbs, I presume?) though difficult and scary and possibly a little doubtful at the very moment, the target of that feat is conquered!

How many times do we find ourselves in a ‘prepared’ situation or an ‘unprepared’ circumstance and determine to ‘SHOOT THE ARROW’ by faith?

Kristin’s feat is much like I have illustrated in my book—Isaiah the prophet said; “YOU have made my words of judgment as sharp as an arrow, He has hidden me in the shadow of His hand. I AM LIKE A SHARP ARROW IN HIS QUIVER!”

When you pull your weapon of faith out of the quiver, it is then, and only then that it will do and accomplish its purpose—if you trust in what you believe you can do, by faith and confidence in the Holy Spirits power!

Though Kristin enjoys the feat of conquering the sport of ‘bear hunting’, I believe the message will ring louder in the accomplishment with the years to come. The message is; “Prepare-- Wait—SIT STILL—stand guard—go prepared—rely on your training—trust that God is with you—and take aim and TRUST!”

Preparation is the key to adventure! Preparing our hearts toward the things of God is an adventure, which is why we study the Bible—and the message RINGS LOUDER in the hunt to know him more and more! Once you begin to know him, you can’t help to want MORE! Receive the More!

“Have a wonderfully blessed and Prosperous day!” Holly