I found this: I saw a precious little Muslim lady and her husband attending a Benny Hinn crusade. (I’m not a big fan of Benny’s but I believe any body that is radical about Jesus is doing more than most. To touch a heart of anyone who needs to tap in with God, it’s possibly ordained by Him—so, I watched.) Benny called them up to the front and on the stage. They stood before him and at least 15 thousand other people, and the couple seemed reluctant, but expectant. Benny asked them why they were here, and then he told the audience that they are Muslim. Her head covering and her approach and her conservative nature were a dead give away that they were Muslim, but Benny shared it anyway. In her eyes was sadness due to pain. She had a shy reluctance, but a willingness to receive. Her husband stood next to her in a very vague belief. He too had the same reluctance, but wonderment if this was really going to have a positive outcome. Benny told the audience that the man said he brought his wife, because he heard that his wife could be healed from pain she had suffered in her back, neck and spine from an accident. There they stood—waiting. I too was anticipating.
This is what touched my heart. Benny never asked if they knew Jesus, he just simply began to place is hand softly on her head and on the back of her neck and prayed that Jesus would do the healing in this woman’s body. This image I was looking at, of Benny simply praying for a sick woman, could only take me to the most recent revelation I read in the Bible. It was as if the pages illuminated off the page. John chapter 9, when the blind man stood before Jesus and his disciples asked him if the man was blind because of his sins of his parents. Jesus said; “it’s not because of the sins of his parents, he was born blind, it is so the POWER of God could be seen in him.” Jesus knew he would heal the blind man. What He really wanted was to have the DOUBTERS see that He is the Messiah.
This picture I was looking at, hit me as this Muslim woman was standing before a man with Faith, and hearing that Jesus will heal because He wants the greater work to be found in more than just the miracle itself. He wanted them to see that BELIEVING that Jesus Christ is the healer and not Benny, and then they will have more than just a cure for the physical, but an eternal hope as well. What was so frank for me was that Benny did not say, First you need to be saved, before Jesus can heal you. He just simply said; “Jesus will heal you.” After he prayed for the woman and she fell slain by the Spirit of God “Jesus has healed you” he said. Then the ushers who caught her, helped her up and Benny prays again, and she falls back again, all the way to the ground, straight out. The ushers help her up, and Benny prays again and she again falls by the precious power of the Holy Spirit. (every time she was getting up from the ground, with no pain) It was evident that this was something neither of these two Muslims had ever expected. But you could tell that there faith was changing. But much like the blind man in John 9, we never know when God will allow His power to touch a life, in order to change theirs forever. But this is what I do know; God will do what He does so that the perfect work of Jesus Christ will be glorified.
The Muslim woman and her husband stood as Benny explained that He was not the healer, Jesus Christ was the healer. Then he said; “Jesus is alive” and He is not dead. Then he asked them to pray to Jesus and not Mohammad or Islam. They prayed. Another delightful part of this story is after he saw his wife fully healed and bending over touching her toes and bending her neck from side to side, he then believed that Jesus healed. I think I even saw a hint of a smile, which was not evident prior. The man said; “you know I have had headache off and on for many days.” Then said; “I did not want to ask for myself, but for my wife.” Benny laid hands on the man and he too was healed. He did not fall slain, he just stood and received.
The greatest part of this story is that the two Muslims were introduced to the healer, the deliverer, and the redeemer Jesus Christ. That is the portion that caused me to wish I was more radical!
The blind man in John chapter 9 was healed, but the greatest portion of that story is that Neighbors and disciples and Religious leaders called Pharisee’s, and even the blind mans parents SAW what Jesus had done. They believed, not just in the SIGHT, but in the one who gave him the sight. Jesus, the Messiah, the living one is the Healer. (Read it for yourself—John chapter 9)
But much like the Muslim woman and her husband, they had to untie themselves from tradition and from doubt, to even show up at a JESUS meeting. Jesus may not be walking around in sandals and with his finger writing in the dirt or causing water to turn into wine, but He is however still using Man to show His divine power. We trust who He is and then use what He gives us to triumphantly “see” people to Jesus. Radical, maybe, but I would love the chance.
When I saw the story in John chapter 9 almost for the first time of the many other times I read it, all I could really see was the whole intention of Jesus healing the blind man is so that His identity would be established throughout the scripture, and throughout the earth. I see the Messiah and His name is Jesus. Never in history had anyone ever been healed of sight. Jesus makes us see, in more than one way. His plan is that we SEE HIM.
The Muslim woman walked away—healed, but eternally saved. And her journey begins. HALLELUJAH! Jesus is alive, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mohammad is dead. Jesus—he lives in you and me. Receive HIM.